Trigger Trail Buddy 2 (1)

But when you harness the POWER of them, they no longer have the power to own you.

People have been trying to teach the art of healing emotional triggers all the wrong way. They’ve been focused on the moment that they person is triggered and all that does is create more frustration and shame. 

Instead we need to take a three pronged approach that creates sustainable change. 

Discover the 3 step process that takes you from:

  • Overwhelmed ticking time bomb stuck in survival mode to grounded and capable of navigating any curve ball thrown your way with grace
  • Self-abandoning people pleaser on the edge of losing your shit to confidently asserting your needs and setting healthy boundaries
  • Emotional shutdown, avoiding conflict at all costs to calmly staying present and expressing your truth

AND, as a bonus, learn how to USE those triggers to point to reveal parts of you that need more love!

Are you ready to...
  • Stop lashing out at your loved ones?

  • Achieve a sense of calm, even in situations that would typically have caused your temper to boil over?

  • Feel more proud of how you handle yourself in challenging moments?

  • Stop saying “yes” when you mean “no”
  • And learn to love yourself (and your inner child) the way you needed as a child?

What Others Say About the Master Your Emotional Triggers Guidebook

*previously called the Trigger Trail Buddy

"I used the trigger trail buddy to figure out what the hell I was feeling (which was abandonment, always feeling like no one ever shows up for me in the same way I show up for them) and it was soooooo helpful, like I can't even begin to say how much. I also think it was so helpful because now that I worked through this with sadness, I have a better idea of what to do when the anger flares up and I know it will." - KM

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What can you expect?

Copy of SQUARE Trigger Trail Buddy Image

A detailed Guidebook and training video that will provide you the roadmap to help you heal and take empowered action with your most troubling triggers. You will heal the wound without losing the powerful lesson and can leverage the benefits!

BONUS: "You've Just Been Triggered" Short Guided Meditation for the moment you realize you're triggered to guide you from triggered to calm. One person said that listening to this "felt like the warmest, most loving hug".

Discover this process and it's your ticket to:

  • Be freed from the react-regret-repeat cycle and instead use your triggers to become more calm and compassionate with others and yourself
  • Finally heal the root of what pushes your buttons and gets you so upset. 
  • Experience less shame around being triggered as you realize that triggers are completely NORMAL and are actually the trailheads that point you to increased inner peace and self-love
  • Feel more calm and confident in the face of eye rolling teens, tantruming toddlers, unhelpful partners and frustrating situations!

You know how it feels to get triggered and hate how it makes you feel afterward. It's time to change that, for good.

If you want to USE your triggers to stop being triggered so frequently and love yourself more, you'll want this.


"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor Frankl

About your guide...

Hi! I'm Deb and I know that triggers are not just here to torture us and leave us feeling regretful and guilt-ridden.

As the creator of The Whole Soul Way, my signature program designed specifically for women who feel controlled by their emotional triggers, I guide women beyond surface-level healing to dive deep into the root causes of your triggers and embark on a journey of understanding and re-parenting your inner child.

My 20s and 30s saw me have a full-on anger management issue. The transformation I experienced was so effective many people can't believe that that past me existed.

Not only do your triggers serve a purpose as you learn to love yourself more and live your life more true to yourself, but ALSO, that if you spend the time to unpack your triggers, you'll stop the react-regret-repeat cycle.

You heard that right - you actually DO have the power to be triggered less AND find more inner peace, happiness and connection with your loved ones.

Let's stop letting our trickster egos run our lives and, instead, turn things around and use our ego's reactivity to create the life we are meant to be living! Using the 3 Keys to Mastering Emotional Triggers is the first step on that journey. This is the process that I have used for years to unpack my own triggers and that I teach in The Whole Soul Way program.

And did I tell you that I actually give you permission to be triggered? Yep, you need to get triggered in order to USE those triggers to discover self-love treasures. No shame, sister - we all get triggered. It's what you DO with those triggers that matters!

Now grab the guide and I'll show you how!

Deb Blum Signature

Deb Blum

"I hurt a lot of people before I understood WHY I was getting so triggered. And before I did the inner work to heal those parts. These days I'm hardly ever triggered. And when I do get triggered, I feel it in my body and I'm able to regulate my nervous system. I no longer feel the need to act out the trigger in order to feel that instant relief." - Deb

Feedback on the Trigger Trail Buddy Experience

  • Deb Blum

    “This worksheet is a fully comprehensive guide through triggers and what we need to know about them. I admit, it can feel daunting to go through, but my triggers were getting to a point where I was in a cycle of really regretting my reactions, and kind of hating myself as a mom, and so I knew I needed to be willing to put in some effort if I wanted to break that cycle. It took going through the worksheet a couple times regarding the incidents that I felt terribly ashamed of how I reacted before I started to transform my explosive reactions at the root of the issue. Through this process, I've been able to have more grace for my challenging moments, and understand the underlying reasons why my emotional triggers got the best of me. This has allowed me to start to shift the moments that lead to the triggers so that just a few weeks in, I am witnessing far less moments that I have to apologize for, and for that, I am so grateful to Deb. I'm starting to feel like the mom I want to be again.”

  • Deb Blum

    “This is really powerful Deb. Every time I sit down to think about childhood wounds, I have a mental block, tell myself I don't really have much to process and don't have many early childhood memories but these questions really helped me dig up the wounds that I'd buried.”

  • Deb Blum

    “Wow! This was a very revealing experience. I feel more resilient & encouraged to speak up for myself & more confident about setting boundaries. ”

  • Deb Blum

    “Deb created this incredibly powerful 'Trigger Trail Buddy' process to help understand the feelings and hurt behind something that triggers us and then do our own inner child self-healing around this trigger. Her questions literally transported me back to my childhood and helped me do some very important healing around my inner child wounding from that time in my life. ”

  • Deb Blum

    “After doing this I felt satisfied! Relieved! I feel in control of something that felt very out of my control when I was young. This felt really amazing!”

  • Deb Blum

    “Sometimes I don't want to take control and want to stay stuck because I learned to be powerless in these situations. Now I feel more empowered to take back my power and realize triggers show and teach me things. I want to get in a habit of bringing more and more triggers through this process. ”

  • Deb Blum

    “I used the trigger trail buddy to figure out what the hell I was feeling (which was abandonment, always feeling like no one ever shows up for me in the same way I show up for them) and it was soooooo helpful, like I can't even begin to say how much. I also think it was so helpful because now that I worked through this with sadness, I have a better idea of what to do when the anger flares up and I know it will.”