Sacred Second Half Workshop Header (1)

with Deb Blum

Tap into Your Soul's Wisdom to Clarify What You Long For in the
Second Half of Your Life and How to Get from Here to There!


Grab Your VIRTUAL Ticket to this 2-Hour Workshop

Only $47 On Sale For a Limited Time

(You'll get a chance to choose which date on the next page!) 

Have you been feeling a deep longing for something more?

You've gotten most everything you've wanted in your life, but wonder...IS THIS IT???

  • Where did I lose myself?
  • Why do I feel so unfulfilled in my marriage?
  • Where did my joy go?
  • Why am I so impatient, stressed, and irritable?
  • When will I stop repeating unhealthy patterns?
  • What's this sense of restlessness and emptiness from deep within?

Sister, this is your INITIATION.

Yes, it feels awful because there's a dissonance between this external life you're living and the internal feelings you're having.

But this is a call from your Soul.

You're at the threshold of the Sacred Second Half.

And it's time to call upon your Soul for guidance.

Connection to Self
Lonely Woman on Couch

At some point in our lives, if we're lucky, our Soul will tap us on the shoulder and make her presence known...telling us that the way we've been living, no matter how great our life looks on the outside, is not enough for us.

We begin to long for more.

The mistaken belief is that we're longing for something more "out there."

When the reality is – what we're really longing for is a deeper connection with ourselves.

To feel more fully alive, to access something deeper - our tender heart, our feminine nature, a softness - while not losing our edge.

Most of us have been abandoning ourselves which has left us with a big gaping hole in our Soul.

We've neglected our own hearts in a bid to make other people's lives better and to do all the wife/career/success/money/family things.

And it can be hard to make sense of how we feel, leaving us grasping for answers.

We may think we need another date night with our husband.

Or to move, travel more, change our jobs, or make some other big change.

We exercise or meditate more. We create vision boards and go on yoga retreats.


Anything to feel better.

Unconsciously, we may be trying to fill that gaping hole with food, wine, work, or anything else so we don't have to feel that emptiness.

But, here's the thing...

That hole?

It's a wake up call.

It's our opportunity to say:

"I'm no longer going to live my life according to external expectations."

"I'm going to heal from my past, because it keeps sabotaging my happiness."

"I don't want to shrink my life because fear is running the show."

"I'm ready to turn toward myself and reclaim a relationship with ME."

Wake Up Call

There's no better time to set your destiny in motion!

Join the Sacred Second Half Workshop April 17th or 19th...

TWSW Images for Sales Page (9)

Let's make your Soul the star of your second half!

In this workshop, you discover:

☑️ What the first half of our lives is all about and why you should NOT feel bad about where you are right now.

☑️ What's possible in our sacred second half and what your Soul wants for YOU!

☑️ Why it's critical that we heed this call to make the intentional journey from first half of life living to our sacred second half.

☑️ How to ensure you don't get to the end of your life regretting that you never lived true to yourself and had the emotionally deep relationships you longed for.

☑️ The most direct and effective way to bridge the gap, heal every area of your life, and transform in all the best ways!
Sign up and choose which Workshop Date works best for you:
  • Wednesday, April 17 3pm PT / 6pm ET
  • Friday, April 19 9am PT / 12pm ET

I'll send you the details via email.

We'll get together on Zoom for 120-minutes on the day you choose.

All sessions will be recorded, but show up live to have a deeper experience and ask questions!

Zoom Call with Wine

Here are some of the things that we learned in the first half of our lives that are so common that we've come to call them "normal." If you're becoming more aware of these, it may be a sign that you're experiencing an awakening.

  • Depending on alcohol or other substances or habits to get relief, calm down, or numb out.
  • The feeling of not being supported
  • The awareness of the ways you've been betrayed and betray yourself
  • Being the strong, self-sufficient one
  • Taking things personally
  • A fear of being seen while deeply longing to be seen
  • Contorting yourself to fit in and not upset anyone
  • The endless chase to prove yourself
  • A tendency to be a "good girl" and toward people-pleasing
  • Life looking good on the outside but feeling like you're at a breaking point on the inside
  • Being everything to everyone
  • Trying to control life's circumstances, your experience, and the people in your life
  • Avoiding difficult conversations and conflict
  • Trying to put the past behind you
  • "Positivity-only" or "Negative Nancy"
  • Checking all of the boxes but not knowing what you really need or want
  • Being the one everyone turns to or depends on
  • Can handle more than most can handle
  • Difficulty knowing and/or holding boundaries
  • Have an overdeveloped sense of responsibility
  • Prefer to be in control
  • Easily triggered, frustrated, defensive, and critical
  • The feeling of not being enough or being too much
  • Pressure from overthinking and doing SO much
  • Carrying a heavy mental load all by yourself
  • Abandoning and sacrificing yourself in a bid to make other's lives better, to win love and approval, and to avoid getting hurt
  • Hustling for your worth
  • A loud inner critic
  • Resentment in relationships because you can't share your whole truth
  • Experiencing exhaustion, burnout, and overwhelm
  • Chronic physical pain or ailments
  • Pushing, performing, and wearing masks
  • Superficial relationships lacking emotional depth
  • Juggling and trying to do it all while no one is showing up the same way for you
  • Living from a dysregulated nervous system
  • Excessive overachieving and striving
  • Living in your head with a very busy mind
  • Always busy and filling your time
  • Being the helpful one who listens and gives other advice and support
  • Very high expectations of self and others
  • Flexible, low needs, never want to be a burden

Ready to unhook from all of this and plant seeds for what you want for yourself in the SECOND HALF of your life?

Join the Sacred Second Half Workshop April 17th or 19th...

You'll be guided by someone (me!) who's done a TON of inner work and has coached 100s of women over the past decade to awaken to the truth of who they are and cultivate a deeply supportive relationship with themselves.

I firmly believe that when strong, self-reliant, high-functioning women connect to their hearts and own their value, they become unstoppable. Over and over, I've seen that creating an unshakeable relationship with ourselves becomes the foundation from which we rise in our FULL power.

Come and get a taste of what it’s like to have me as your soul guide in The Whole Soul Way™ program, the place where my clients have gone from:

  • 2 weeks of spinning after being triggered to recovery in less than 1 hour,
  • easily triggered into angry outburts to calm presence with her children,
  • always busy and doing too much to more time for herself and permission to rest and play,
  • avoiding conflict to advocating for themselves while in deep integrity with themselves,
  • constant self-abandonment to confidently bringing themselves more fully into their relationships,
  • on the cusp of divorce to a deeper sense of clarity on how they can shift their unhealthy patterns,
  • not knowing what to do with jumbled, stressful thoughts to clarity, inner peace, and empowerment,
  • and more!
Deb Blum Circle Laughing

About Your Guide, Deb Blum

Once a determined go-getter lacking self-compassion, Deb Blum has dedicated her life to guiding high-functioning, self-reliant women to break free from the unrelenting pressure, cultivate self-compassion, and find a healthy balance between striving to do it all and radical acceptance.

Deb draws on her training and experience over the past decade as a transformational and empowerment coach for women and her experience as a business strategy consultant for two decades before becoming a coach. She has a unique ability to see connections and compassionately illuminate what her clients can't see for themselves.

Deb is 100% committed to doing her own inner work because, as a leader, she's fully aware that her level of integration and nervous system regulation contributes to her client's experience and transformation. And because she knows that inner work is the path to greater freedom, joy, and love in the Sacred Second Half of our lives!

Grab Your VIRTUAL Ticket to this 2-Hour Workshop

Only $47 On Sale For a Limited Time

(You'll get a chance to choose which date on the next page!)