Are you hiding behind your “good” life?
In the first half of our lives, we often live according to external expectations, believing that if we do all the "right" things, we'll be happy and fulfilled.
One day, we wake up and realize that our life that looks so good on the outside is not satisfying. That we've lost ourselves along the way and feel a sense of emptiness and a longing for "more."
You're at the threshold of the second half of your
life––are you ready to meet the woman you've been hiding?
Welcome to the transformational journey toward the authenticity, depth, and aliveness available in the second half of your life by unhooking from the burdens of first half of life living, including the...
- relentless pressure that weighs you down,
- conditioning that sabotages your life,
- expectations that limit your potential,
- burden of feeling alone with your pain,
- unhealthy patterns that create disconnection,
- fear that constrains you, and
- any other mental debris that keeps you stuck
If you're ready to transform your life in all the best ways, you're in the right place!

Engaged Online Community (24x7)
Access to me, my team, and a deep, inspiring, wise, and caring community of women. The online forum and app are wonderful places to celebrate, get support, ask questions, and develop friendships and connection.

Transformational Online Course
Lifetime access to this proven and nourishing training program. It's not just a workbook or a few videos. It's a 6-step process with deep content that, when applied to your life, is transformational in all the best ways.

OPTIONAL: Personalized Support
In order to contextualize, practice, and celebrate what you're learning and to connect with one another, we'll come together 2 times per month in group calls on Zoom where you'll get Midlife Awakening Mentorship from Deb.
Does any of this resonate with you?

You’re an accomplished woman with a good life, so why is there a hollow feeling burrowing away at your soul? And emptiness aching in your heart? A longing to be deeply seen and known and to feel more fully alive?

There’s an uncomfortable distance in your partnership, friendships, and even with yourself. When you crave depth, why does it seem like there’s a wall between what you want and what you have?

You've been doing the "married with kids" thing for a while, but the kids are getting older, they need you less, and your marriage needs help––which has you wondering if it's time to make yourself a priority and awaken to who you are beyond mother and wife.

You want to make your life count––to live true to yourself and contribute to making the world a better place, but somehow you’re not fully being or expressing who you are for the world to see. Will you make the full impact you know you're here to make?

You want to be courageous, to say and do the things that feel deeply true––with no regrets––but you notice you’re tiptoeing around and playing nice. What happened to that more passionate, playful, and feisty you?

You've done all the "right" things in the first half of your life––perhaps earning a degree, landing a good job, getting married, and raising a family.
There's a part of you that's played it safe and followed the rules, but another part of you––a bit of a rebel, she is––knows she was never meant to fit in a box and wants to be free to be ALL of herself.
That part is louder than ever.
She speaks to you as a restlessness in your heart that says there's something more––a longing for deeper emotional connection and more authentic self-expression.
You feel like you've tried everything you can think of, but nothing fills the void.
And you worry if something doesn't change, you'll die having lived a half-lived life––always productive and helpful, but dying a bit inside as each year passes.
Naturally, you find yourself blaming others and your circumstances, but deep down, you know this is something only you can do––for yourself.
Here's the good news!
Living a life with increasing levels of happiness and inner peace…
Feeling so safe and supported that you can express yourself fully…
Cultivating emotionally deep and fulfilling relationships…
And emerging as the emotionally mature and spiritually whole being you're meant to be, creating the life of your choosing...
...is not a pipe dream.
It’s 100% achievable—even if, right now, it feels a little out of reach.
Because when you know the exact process to use everything in your marriage as a mirror that reflects your own relationship and emotional maturity gaps, reparent your inner child, shift unhealthy patterns, reconnect your feminine depth, know your yesses and no's, hold authentic boundaries, and connect from your heart and authentic self...
You step into the driver's seat of your life and
your soul’s longing becomes a reality.
Inside You is a Built-In Guidance System...
...your own Soul Way GPS™ that guides you on a unique and personalized path––back home to whole yourself.
Over the past decade, it became clear to me that we're so cleverly built:
- As young children, we protect ourselves because we're small and powerless.
- When those self-protection strategies are no longer necessary for our survival, they begin to interfere with connection, steal our joy, limit our potential, and cause us to suffer.
- When we're ready, our Soul will guide us on the path to understand the ways we self-protect, reveal the parts of ourselves we cut off from to feel safe as children, cultivate enough inner safety to unguard our heart, and show us the way to live and love fully.
I was in awe when I discovered that we're always being guided to what we most need to know and do to reclaim our whole and unique selves, live a fulfilling and meaningful life, and cultivate more emotional depth and connection in our relationships.
And, I thought––"someone needs to teach women exactly how to use this built-in system so we can unhook from everything that's stopping us from being all of who we are and having what we want most in our lives!"
So I did what I do best...I created a program to do exactly that!
Introducing The Whole Soul Way™ Self-Paced Journey
With Deb Blum
A one-of-a-kind self-paced online training program and community that teaches midlife women a step-by-step process to cultivate an emotionally deep, healed, and whole relationship with themselves, so they can create thriving and emotionally fulfilling relationships and a life full of vitality in their second half!
Self-Led Women Like You Need a Process that Puts YOU In Charge
What you'll be learning is designed to support you on your lifelong journey to deepen your own relationship with yourself and everyone in your life. You'll walk away knowing exactly what to do when anything comes up in your life in order to process it and integrate it into greater wholeness.
You can expect to gain more inner peace, confidence, and strength. However, since life constantly presents new challenges, learning the process I'll teach you empowers you to tap into your own inner guidance and learn from every experience that gets thrown at you.
In a nutshell, I'll teach you how to save your own life.
Tune in to the video below to learn more about the concept of SELF-COACHING:

Live True to Self
No matter what life throws at you, you know how to get back to center. Your boundaries are more clear and you feel comfortable in your own skin. No more hustling to prove your value because you rest in your worth. You've become the source of safety, validation, and love and it's being reflected back to you.

Soul Evolution
You know that everything in your life is there for you and for your soul's evolution. Your human longings, desires, and suffering are there to guide you. Facing this "final frontier" around emotional intimacy is rocket fuel for your soul's evolution and expansion. Your soul is so proud of you for leaning into this scary growth opportunity!

Shape Your Relationships
You feel more connected to your heart and your relationships feel more emotionally fulfilling. You know how to shift unhealthy patterns and deepen surface-level connections. You have the inner strength to reveal yourself vulnerably and are able to hold space for others to do the same.
This sacred self-coaching program and community experience is the integration and culmination of my most tried-and-tested principles and practices.
Designed for women who have developed their external life beautifully, but realize it's time to put the same effort into her internal life.
Are you ready to cultivate a deep and unshakeable relationship with yourself?
A relationship so safe and validating that you no longer feel the need to hustle to prove your worth, and you feel free to show up in the world as your true and whole self?
A relationship that becomes the foundation
from which you rise in your FULL power?
The Whole Soul Way ™ is the most direct and effective path.
In the program, you'll learn how to:

Hi! I’m Deb Blum, Your Guide
Welcome! I'm so excited you're here!
I created The Whole Soul Way because I saw too many amazing women living half-lived lives, having created a good life for themselves and their family in many ways, but feeling empty and unfulfilled inside. As a coach for over a decade, I noticed patterns where women are disconnected from their authentic selves, carrying unhealed wounds, held back by fear, and feeling a lack of depth and meaning in their lives.
I've been there myself, feeling that nagging sense that something was missing despite having "done all the right things." The Whole Soul Way was born from my own journey of healing and transformation, and my deep desire to guide other women back to themselves.
I wanted to create a comprehensive, nurturing approach that goes beyond surface-level self-help, addressing the root causes of our disconnection and providing practical tools for lasting change.
The Whole Soul Way is my answer to the epidemic of women living from their heads instead of their hearts. It's my way of saying, "There's so much more available to you, and I can show you how to access it." It's my life's work, my passion, and my commitment to helping women reclaim their wholeness, step into their power, and live lives that are truly aligned with their souls' deepest desire.
My zone of genius is in helping high-functioning do-it-all women connect their beautiful minds to their expansive hearts and to forge a nurturing relationship with themselves that serves as the foundation for all other relationships and from which they rise in their full power.
We get taught to be who the world thinks we should be, but deep down, there's a longing to be who we really are.
Are you ready to bring YOU more fully into your life?
Lifetime Access to the Course:
- Perspective-shifting self-coaching training
- Transformational exercises and self-inquiry tools
- Private Membership Site with a Phone App
- 22+ Self-Inquiry Worksheets
- Supportive and engaged Community (24x7)
- BONUS: Lifetime Access to 20+ Guided Meditations
- BONUS: Nervous System Regulation Training

You Can Absolutely:
- Feel more emotionally centered and calm
- Become less reactive and emotionally triggered
- Create more emotional depth in your relationships
- Feel internally safe enough to be the true you in this judgmental and harsh world
- Become more comfortable with conflict
- Drop your guard and open your heart
- Replace mental chatter with inner peace
- Still get it all done with self-compassion
- Rest in your worth and value
- Be kind and generous to others while honoring your own needs and truth
- Create the life you want without blowing up the life you've worked so hard to create!
Are you ready?
Want to read some testimonials first? Click Here!
You Will:
- Learn a repeatable and step-by-step process so you can become your own coach for the rest of your life
- Have access to expert guidance on your midlife awakening journey
- Learn the art of reparenting your inner child in a way you've never learned before
- And gain access to a community of some of the most supportive, loving and engaged women, I’ve ever had the honor of being surrounded by.
Your Investment:
Discounted until mid-January!
$597 (Regular $997)
(payment plans are available + option to add on group coaching via Evolution Membership)
Double Guarantee that Lets You Rest as you Invest...
Perhaps you still have some doubts?
I get it. One of the best ways to address this is to test it out!
7-Day No-Questions-Asked Refund: When you enroll, you’ll have 7 days to go through EVERYTHING inside the program, and if for ANY reason you don’t feel like this was the best investment you’ve made in yourself, simply email me and I’ll refund your investment (minus transaction fees)…no questions asked!
60-Day Results-Based Refund: After those initial 7 days, you'll dive in and apply what you learn to your life for 53 more days.
If you don't see any positive results from this program, simply show us that you’ve done the work, and we’ll refund your investment (minus fees).
See FAQs below for more details.
* Micro-coaching is written support and it happens in the online forum. Deb and her team of Soul Guides will be in there supporting you M-F. And the community is incredible, too! See what Amy says below...
What Makes The Whole Soul Way™ Experience Unique

It's Not Just a Bunch Of Meditations that Don't Create Transformation
Do you struggle with traditional mediation? Then you’ll love The Whole Soul Way’s approach which knows that women with busy minds have a hard time getting benefits from meditation. Instead, we keep your mind engaged with self-inquiry and guided visualizations that increase your self-awareness, inner safety and sense of wholeness. AND you'll get the benefits of meditation - a quieter mind, more inner peace, and the ability to be more present.

You Literally Grow Up and Get Unstuck
In The Whole Soul Way, you'll step into a leadership position in all aspects of your life and take back your FULL power. We show you how to stop seeking to be parented by others and parent yourself into the spiritually and emotionally mature woman you're here to be. This is how you get unstuck and back in your power, enabling you to create the life of your choosing!

We Build a Stable Foundation of Self-Love
Instead of perpetuating the belief that there's something wrong with you by focusing on improving and fixing yourself and your life––which causes more self-loathing and rejection––we focus on accepting and making peace with yourself so you can build a stable foundation of inner safety and self-trust from which you can soar. Our deepest desires emerge from radical acceptance of the "as is."

No Short Term Strategies That Stop Working When a Program Ends
I assure you, this program will be nothing like you've done before and it will change you forever. It's gentle AND deep. It's accessible AND powerful. It's supportive AND empowering. You'll learn a new way of "doing" life rather than just more information and will walk away knowing exactly how to continue to use your inner GPS to further deepen your relationship with yourself and others. And you can stay part of it until you feel like you've deeply embodied this new way of life.

Don't Stop Being Judgmental For Us! Bring it On!
We lean into judgments, criticism, and blame and use them as an opportunity for self-discovery. Instead of seeing these thoughts as negative and fighting to become a more perfect version of ourselves, we use them as a compass to guide us back to ourselves time and time again. And as we integrate these "shadow" parts, we become less susceptible to self-sabotage and more accepting of our loved ones.
This might be a good fit if:
You've done a lot to fix & improve yourself & your life. You're resourceful, determined & willing to do what it takes, but you're tired of managing it all and are ready for a new approach to life.
You have the time and space to do this. You're ready to invest in yourself. Figuring out how to truly enjoy and thrive in the life you're in is your top priority. I suggest that women carve out at least 5 hours per week for the 6-months.
You're coachable. There are times in life when we're just not ready or open to being coached. Perhaps we're resistant to change or don't want the results enough to get uncomfortable (therefore, experience transformation). Be honest with yourself. Are you ready to take full responsibility for yourself and your life and to do what it takes to get there? If you are, then you will get the transformation you want. If you're unsure, send me an email and I can answer any of your questions.
You've got an open mind. I'm not for those who have a fixed mind and limited flexibility of thinking. If you're more of a rigid thinker and don't like to explore new possibilities and perspectives, there may be other programs that are better for you.
You're ready! Something has to change–you're dying inside–and you're going to die with regrets if you don't do something now!
You might not be a good fit if:
You're looking for something to take your mind off your current circumstances like vision boarding, inspirational meditations, motivational quotes, pampering, and positivity-only. Here, we're creating lives we no longer need to escape from!
You're in crisis mode AND have no time. Truth is, it's hard to be in crisis mode and do this type of work, unless it's your priority and you have the time and make the commitment. This work is the way out, but it does require your time and focus to get there!
You dislike self-reflection. This program is based in self-inquiry. To get the most out of the program, you'll be writing, typing, or sending yourself voice notes as you work through the self-inquiry tools. Timing is important and if you're not ready to look inside, come back when you are!
You want a quick fix. There is no quick fix (sorry if I'm the one bringing this bad news), but you will quickly see shifts in your life if you put the effort in!
You have a difficult time watching videos or taking online courses. The lessons are primarily delivered through video and audio. If this isn't your jam, this may not be the right program for you. You won't be successful if you watch don't watch the videos. There are many programs with different formats, just not this one!
8 Things You Can Expect to Let Go Of As You Practice Living TWSW
- Living a "half-lived life" where you express thoughts and opinions but suppress (or don't even know) your deeper feelings, fears, wants, and needs
- Unhealthy unconscious patterns like people-pleasing, over-functioning, overthinking, and difficulty setting boundaries
- Unresolved childhood wounds that show up as self-criticism, perfectionism, and difficulty with self-love and acceptance
- Wearing masks or playing roles to gain approval and feel safe in social situations
- Feeling empty or that "something is missing" despite having achieved external markers of success (career, family, material comfort)
- Experiencing a sense of disconnection from your purpose, intuition, and desires
- Patterns of emotional reactivity, self-sabotage, or unhealthy coping mechanisms (like emotional eating, lashing out in anger, or avoiding conflict)
- Reliance on external approval, validation, permission, and safety for YOU to feel okay to be you (become your own source)
16 Things You Can Expect to Gain From this Program
- Mastery over your mind, so you can feel more confident, clear, and calm when faced with difficult situations by using your overthinking as a healing superpower
- Become kinder and more compassionate to yourself because you deeply understand why you do what you do, or did what you did
- Become less reliant on external validation and approval. Instead, become your own source of love, safety, and approval
- Stop taking things so personally and feeling defensive by learning how to soothe and take care of yourself and to look at situations from a higher vantage point
- Learn how to respond to situations from a more emotionally regulated place, rather than feeling reactive and later regretting what you said or did
- Let go of such unbearably high expectations and embrace more self-compassion, getting into greater flow between doing and being
- Learn to distinguish between societal expectations and your true desires, enabling you to set goals that genuinely resonate with your authentic self
- By addressing childhood wounds and unresolved traumas, you can release limiting beliefs and behaviors that have been holding you back from pursuing your dreams
- Awareness of the layers of armor, masks, conditioning, beliefs, and fears that hide who you truly are, and know how to removed these to find more of yourself
- With increased self-awareness and inner peace, you can make clearer, more aligned decisions about your life direction and goals.
- Feel how good it feels to accept yourself rather than reject yourself, and be motivated to continue to attain more self-acceptance
- Become acutely aware when you betray yourself and feel internally safe enough to no longer self-abandon and establish appropriate boundaries
- As you learn to parent yourself and connect with your inner wisdom, you'll develop greater confidence in your ability to make choices and pursue your goals
As you become more whole and integrated, you can bring your full resources, power, and potential to bear to create the life you desire
- By integrating all parts of yourself, including your "shadow" aspects, you will learn to overcome patterns of unconscious self-sabotage
- Feel supported and inspired as you do this sacred healing work, with access to a safe community and space to process, be encouraged, and be witnessed

Wow Deb! Looks like you have a lot of awesome members with great things to say about about The Whole Soul Way™!
Wow Deb! Looks like you have a lot of awesome members with great things to say about about The Whole Soul Way™!
Designed for midlife women who still have a lot to do and give, but want to do and give from their whole and authentic selves not self-sacrifice and obligation.
For women who want to heal their past and
reclaim wholeness in a deep, sustaining way.
Unhook from the relentless pressure that weighs you down, the conditioning that sabotages your life, the expectations that limit your potential, the unhealthy patterns that create disconnection in your relationships, the fear that constrains you, and any other mental debris that keeps you stuck.
And finally feel safe enough and be conscious enough to
show up as your most authentic and fully expressed self
and feel deeply satisfied in the life you've worked so hard to create.
Yes, you're welcome to split this into 6 payments (at a slightly higher price point) or pay in full.
I hope to offer scholarship options in the future.
Here’s the gist of our refund policy for The Whole Soul Way:
We’re committed to supporting you in creating meaningful shifts through this program, and we also want you to feel confident in your investment.
- 7-Day No-Questions-Asked Refund: You may request a full refund within 7 days of your purchase, no questions asked. Bank and transaction fees will be subtracted from refund.
- 60-Day Results-Based Refund: If you’ve gone through the program, followed the process, and haven’t experienced the shifts you were hoping for, you may request a refund within 60 days of purchase. Bank fees will be subtracted from refund. To qualify for this refund, you'll need to provide proof of your participation and effort. This includes:
- Copies of journal entries or assignments and/or completed Digital Worksheets
- Evidence from our system that you’ve completed video lessons and program exercises.
We’ve designed this policy to ensure you feel supported and empowered to engage with the program while maintaining fairness for everyone involved.
Refunds will not be issued if you change your mind, fall behind, or decide the program isn’t the right fit without fully engaging with the materials.
For these reasons, we recommend you feel confident that this is the right decision before purchasing the program.
If you believe you qualify for a refund, simply reach out to us, and we’ll review your request.
When you register, you will be asked to sign an agreement and choose to pay in full or pay with a payment plan. After that, you'll get an email to confirm the purchase, a copy of our agreement, and access to the online platform where the courses will reside.
You'll immediately get login details to the membership site and course and I encourage you to browse around and dive in before we officially start!
You'll also get a few emails to walk you through getting started!
You will have lifetime access to the content. That is, for as long as the program exists. If I were to decide to stop teaching the program, I would give you advanced warning so that you can download anything you'd like to continue to have access to.
I have no current plans to offer a live cohort.
No problem! If you join Evolution and gain access to live group coaching calls, but you can't make it live, they will be recorded and uploaded to the Membership Site.
You can access them via your computer or an app on your phone.
However, I do think it'd be best if you arrange your schedule to be on most of the calls live because that will provide you with the best opportunity to connect with others and to get your own personalized support.
Here's a sampling of how we MAY vary the days/times:
- Friday 10am PT / 1pm ET
- Thursday 11am PT / 2pm ET
- Wednesday 12:30m PT / 2:30pm ET
- Tuesday 12pm PT / 3pm ET
The Group Coaching Calls run about 1.5 - 2.5 hours. Teaching calls tend to run about 60-75 minutes.
You can interact directly with Deb if you enroll in the Evolution Monthly Membership ($111/month):
Monthly Group Calls: On these calls, you will be able to ask questions and get personalized coaching and guidance from Deb.
Within the Lessons and Forum: You'll get support in the course platform and online community forum where you'll be able to ask questions, support others, share your wins, learn from others, and receive "micro-coaching" from me (and my team and the community).
The more you engage, the more support you'll experience.
If you tend to sit back and be more of an observer in programs, this will be a great chance for you to push that edge and ask for what you need, ask questions, and engage.
The women who have been through the program have found that it's a safe and supportive group.
Here's the most important question to be asking yourself - are you experiencing the level of self-empowerment, inner peace, fulfillment, and ease in your life that you desire?
I can't get over how many times I meet women who appear to have it all together, but underneath they are so stressed out, working so hard to keep it all together, taking things personally, coming home to their children and being easily triggered, feeling like she's a fraud or that she's too much and has to curate herself, powering through life but wishing she could let go of some of the control, and the list keeps going on and on.
Many of these women have taken leadership classes, experienced meditation programs, learned communication skills, and attended team building retreats. They may have amazing interpersonal skills, but the place they're lacking is in their relationship with themselves.
I even see this in the spiritual spaces. So many women who have deep meditation, breathwork, or yoga practices, but their day-to-day lives are still fraught with so much struggle and challenge. They know how to get to stillness, but they haven't integrated this into their daily lives.
What I'm getting at here is that if you aren't experiencing the peace, aliveness, connection, and fulfillment that you want, you will definitely benefit from The Whole Soul Way.
One more thing. I have been on my healing and awakening path for over 17 years and I'm humble enough to know that there is always more for me to learn, unconsciousness to be made conscious, opportunities to go deeper, barriers to remove, and new layers to be healed. I continue to seek out new mentors to ensure that I am evolving and growing.
The question isn't whether you can benefit from more healing or to learn or grow more.
A more helpful question is, "Is The Whole Soul Way the program that you most resonate with to support you at this current moment in your life for the specific growth your Soul is calling you toward?"
If you’ve been on a lifelong personal growth journey and you’re searching for the missing piece that can shift all aspects of your life, then this program is for you.