Inside My Journal

From Angry and Triggered to Calm and Centered

TWSW Emotional Triggers (1)
I used to have anger management issues.

I would get triggered and completely flip my lid.

I felt powerless to these reactions like I became possessed and out of control.

When I had my children, I realized I needed to get a grip on my reactivity.

Over time, I learned how to work WITH my triggers. To USE them for my healing rather than continue to be abused by them (and then abuse others with them).

I’m telling you the honest-to-God truth (ask my husband and kids) that I am hardly e…

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5 Ways to Be a Conscious Parent

2022 Blogs - FB Format (6)

When you look around, in your home or around you, what do you see? I know that I see a lot of anxious kids. I see parents who are worried, really busy and stressed out. 

What if I told you that there is another way to do this parenting thing?

Perhaps you've heard of Conscious Parenting? Dr. Shefali Tsabary is probably the most well-known speaker and teacher about conscious parenting, having authored The Conscious Parent book. 

She didn't invent it, but she and Oprah certainly did elevate it i…

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Applying "Relationship First" to Parenting

2021 Blogs - FB Format (26)
I was walking by a dad and his daughter. She was upset and saying "No, I just want to leave." He was actually pretty calm but clearly trying to make a point. He said "When you calm down, we can leave." To which she said "I can't calm down until we leave."
She was young, like 2 or maybe 3.
She knew what she needed.
But dad stuck with his arbitrary "rule" that she had to calm down first.
I guarantee things escalated.
She knew what she needed. Why wouldn't…

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Happy Women's Day: Let's Connect on a Deeper Level

2021 Blogs - FB Format (24)
I have the absolute pleasure and honor to have built a business that has me walking beside so many amazing women, guiding them on their journey home to themselves, The Whole Soul Way™. They never cease to amaze me with their vulnerability, authenticity, self-awareness and courage.

I was bullied as a teenager and had some emotionally devastating losses in the female friendship department over the first 2 decades of my life. The list is long of ways that I internalized a message that wo…

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Shadow Integration 101: Projection and Judgments

2021 Blogs - Projection

Most of the women who join The Whole Soul Way program NEVER want to be called selfish.

Or lazy.

Or disrespectful.

Or mean.

Like they abhor those things––and they feel disgusted at the idea that anyone would say that about them.

And they get uncomfortable when we get to the point in The Whole Soul Way program where we talk about the "Cherished Self" and they learn that what we find offensive or repulsive in another is mirroring a part of us that's also in us.  😱

That we may do our best …

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How To Connect When Your Teen Is Focused on Their Phone

2021 Blogs - FB Format (19)

When My Kids Were Little, They Talked To Me

Sure I got the standard, “Fine” when I asked, “How was school?” or “Nothing,” when I asked what they did, but as we did activities together or as I snuggled them at night, they’d tell me things. Things they did and things they wanted, silly things and meaningful things.

As they’ve become teenagers, those conversations have started to dry up a little. As I see less of them, I notice my desire to reconnect at the end of the school day. I work from ho…

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If You're Blaming Him For Your Unhappiness, You're Not Ready to Leave

Blaming You Arent Ready to Leave

Note: This message isn’t for anyone in an abusive or toxic marriage. Your safety and health are most important.

In 2010, my marriage was falling apart.

It totally seemed easier to give up.

The idea of focusing on making our marriage better seemed daunting and, sad to say … hopeless. In my mind, I created a fantasy life where I lived with my kids in a cute apartment living a “free” life. I tapped into this fantasy whenever things were particularly crappy and I needed to feel a sense of contr…

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An Important Tip to Become a Better Listener

Listen Better

I saw this on Facebook today: "Normalize not sharing a relatable story about yourself when someone shares something about themselves, and just listen." 

(note: normalizing doesn't mean eliminating, so don't feel bad if you do this - there is a time and a place for everything!)

I know how hard this is, and most people think that this is showing the person that they're not alone or that they can relate. And yes, at times it can be more of a competition, but I'm not sure that's the most com…

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One Thing You Can Do to Make the World a Better Place

2021 Blogs - FB Format (6)

Got problems? The world certainly seems to have lots of problems. It seems overwhelming – how can we get ourselves out of the mess we are in? So much fear, war, anger, hate, deceit, self-serving behaviors and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. And don't even get me started on the divisiveness and polarization. The solutions to these problems that we face on a global level are not clear.

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein…

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12 Ways to Ditch Drama in Relationships

2021 Blogs - FB Format (4)

Relationships are complex – we take two or more people with different personalities, belief systems, communication styles, ways of thinking, senses of humor and more and we stick them together and expect them to form connections and relate to one another. Surprisingly, most of us manage to do this quite well.

Inevitably, there are times when we end up in hot water.

Maybe we offend someone or hurt someone’s feelings. Or maybe it’s us who is on the receiving end. It’s bound to happen…it’s part o…

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