Inside My Journal

Looking for Love in All The Wrong Places

2021 Blogs - FB Format (2)

Ten years ago, I was deeply entrenched in the belief that if my husband would be more romantic, affectionate, connected, attentive, helpful, fill in the blank, I would be happier. I would feel more loved.

Maybe you can relate on some level?

I believed that my husband caused most of my problems. Truthfully, I was about ready to leave my marriage.

“In life, you can blame a lot of people and you can wallow in self-pity, or you can pick yourself up and say, ‘Listen, I have to be responsible for…

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Happy Mother's Day to My Mom

2021 Blogs - FB Format

In memory of my mom who died on May 2, 2021.

At the very end of my mom's life, my dad and I slept in her room with her. One night I slept at the top of her bed so I could hold her hand and be close to her. The night before that, I sat up watching her and wrote this. 

My Mom

My biggest cheerleader

Always supporting me

Loving me

"You can do anything," you said

Never doubting anything I wanted to do

Believing in me more than I did myself

You listened and supported

Guided and sacrifice…

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True Self-Love Requires Some Tough Love

2021 Blog True Self-Love Requires Some Tough Love

It's so easy to get confused and think self-love is all about following your moment to moment feelings, only doing what feels good, always choosing what feels comfortable.

But it's not!

Self-love requires the balance between gentleness and nurturing AND truth and aspirations - reaching for what you want to create in your life. Tough love isn't bad - when we consider the bigger picture...WHY we're doing what we're doing, we sometimes need a little tough love to do what it takes to get there.


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When Mindfulness Feels Too Hard

When Mindfulness Feels Too Hard

:: Context - I broke my Greater Trochanter / Upper Femur in a skiing accident 12 days before I wrote this :: 

​Lying in bed last night I got caught in the swirl of thought and fear: I can't handle it anymore. How can I do this for months? Will I ever fully recover? Can I handle the rehab? How much longer do I have to sleep in this position? Will I ever get a good nights' sleep again? I felt trapped and hopeless.

Somehow, even while lying mostly still, I found myself writhing.

In the dark of the nig…

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From Mind-Full to Mindful - Part 3: 10 Quick Ways to Get Out of Your Head

From Mind-Full to Mindful - Part 3: 10 Quick Ways to Get Out of Your Head

This is Part 3 of a 3 Part Series. Read Part 1 here and Part 2 here.

I spent more than 40 years mostly in my head. I am a “head type” on the Enneagram and being my head’s a very comfortable place for me to be.

But I’ve learned that my best inspirations, ideas, clarity, answers, and solutions come from getting out of my head and into my body, into my heart and into THIS present moment. For some of you, this will not make a lot of sense…so you’ll need to try it to believe it.

For you, I ask you to tr…

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From Mind-Full to Mindful - Part 2: Stopping The Worry & Guilt Cycle

Blog - Mindfull to Mindful (1)

Part 2 of 3. Read Part 1 here and Part 3 here.

This blog post is summarized from Wayne Dyer’s amazing very first book called Your Erroneous Zones.

Okay, let’s get real here…I’m not suggesting that we’re never going to worry again…we’re adults living in a complex world with problems and children and jobs! So we’ve got a lot to worry about.

Full disclosure: I was just up last night at 2:42 worrying. And the truth is that a little bit of worry sometimes PUTS me INTO action.

But what I don’t want for an…

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From Mind-Full to Mindful - Part 1: The 2 Habits That Interfere with Being Present

From Mind-Full to Mindful - Part 2: Stopping The Worry & Guilt Cycle

This is part 1 of a 3 part blog post. Read Part 2 here.

Are you a worrier? Am I alone when I say that sometimes the worrying and thinking gets a bit out of control? My head can be a crazy place sometimes!

One of the things that I worry most about is that my kids are on electronics too much. And then sometimes I realize I'm distracted and not really present with my kids and then allowing them to spend too much time on electronics so I can have “time” to worry and think about “important things”.

It s…

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What if Inner Work is the Ultimate Form of Activism?

Blog Post What if Inner Work is the Ultimate Form of Activism_

Are you change agent? Maybe you see things differently. You’ve got the courage to disrupt the status quo and break through the barriers into a new way. A new future.

But we all know that change doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Change happens in communion with your community, family, loved ones, business partners, the organization.

That’s the beauty of change.

A ripple effect.

Change yourself and you’ll change the world around you.

Some people say that we literally cannot change the world any other way tha…

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